Sunday, February 13, 2011

Will You Be My Valentine? Or Come to My Birthday Party?

Here is the finished product from wakinglife. You can easily convert this into muffins. You don't even have to change the recipe just poor it all into a muffin tin instead of a bread tin (I don't know what to call it).
Here's a vegan zucchini muffin. Click on the pic to take you to the recipe, they have recipes for tons of other vegan muffins, too.
This is some homemade hummus. Mine will be nowhere near as pretty as this, but I'll try to not destroy it.
Finger sandwiches are a blessing. They truly are.
Mmmm... yummy, biscotti is super...
Check out my sister's recipe at poorcountrycollegegirl

I have no Valentine this year sadly enough. Hrm... I haven't had a Valentine any year. But I'm okay with that! I am in a good mood today, and the fast-approaching doom that is Valentine's Day will not crush it. "Why are you in such a good mood, Bellamy?" you may be asking yourself. Well, I'll tell you: my birthday is in 14 days and my birthday party is in 13 days and it's gonna be the best! My 5th birthday party officially put me in the books for cutest b-day party ever, it was a big teaparty with a bunch of my little friends! We made big ladylike sunhats and ran around my grandparents beautiful, huge house, with its beautiful, huge garden! So, when i was trying to come up with what to do for my party this year (my 17th) I was figured that since that was such a smash hit when I was 5, then logic follows that it would be a smash hit now! Right? Well, with my friends, yes. I'm going to have little cucumber and cream cheese finger sandwiches, zucchini bread cupcake/muffin things (PROPS TO: wakinglifemakinglife for the recipe), homemade hummus (am attempting to make this!), biscotti (my sister's kickass recipe), and some lovely tea, darlings. We're having tea a bit early so after we can go out for dinner. We're going to get sushi because golly do I love sushi! and there's a cute little sushi place in downtown Coeur d' Alene. Then we'll probably catch a movie and crash at someone's house. I'm definitely keeping it low key this year because after last year's party fiasco, frankly, there is no way in hell I'm going for a repeat. Yep, it was that bad. I am confident that this year is going to be great! After the party I'll post some pics for everyone. I'll also have recipes and pictures of the baking process on here later this month. I'm new to baking, so wish me luck! Well, today in northern Idaho was windy but incredibly warm and sunny and completely out of the norm for February. No kidding, this is Twilight Zone worthy! It's usually horrendous here in February. Slushy, icky, freezing, wet, ugly, horrible weather- usually- but apparently not this year! At least for now, we've got a nice blue hole in that looming grey mass of clouds overhead! Don't worry though, I am confident that by my birthday it will be hideous. Yay! But, fingers crossed for another miracle day like today! And, yes, happy Valentine's Day, ya buncha goons!

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