Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cinco De Mayo 2012

 Cinco de Mayo (the 5th of May, of course) is not Mexican Independence Day.
 It's the celebration of 4,000 ragtag Mexican soldiers kicking the shit out of 8,000 well-trained French soldiers. It's also significant because it was the very last time a European force invaded the Americas. Not counting the continuing occupation by the descendants of European colonists, but that's another story for another day.
 I haven't had a Jarritos in a hella long time. It sounds really good today though. In case you aren't familiar with them, Jarritos are lovely, colorful Mexican fruit-flavored soda beverages.
 I'm going to have to make these quesadillas soon, they look so good! Tonight we're having Chile Rellenos! If I couldn't have Mexican food, I would die. I might move to Mexico, for the sole reason that "Mexican food" would then be simply "food". I would be so happy if all food were Mexican food. If I could only eat one kind of food for the rest of my life... it would be Mexican food. Are you getting how much I love and adore it?
I love this taco trailer (I found the pic on Google, I've never been here). There are a lot of taco trailers here in Idaho. I'm not sure why, we don't really have a lot of diversity. But Idahoans sure do love Mexican food. And Mexican beer. And margaritas. 
Mmmm, Happy Cinco de Mayo everybody!!
(PS: Interestingly enough Cinco de Mayo is celebrated most heavily in the US, and only regionally in Mexico. Also, people in the Mediterranean drink Mexican beer on May 5th and Australia celebrates Latin American culture. There are Cinco de Mayo air guitar competitions in the Caribbean and Cinco de Mayo skydiving in Canada!)

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