Hummus is the greatest gift the Greek gods ever gave to the world. I don't know if there's an actual myth about it, but I am confident that- in some round-about way- they were responsible. Tribe brand hummus (look up fool!) is a really good brand: affordable and delicious... what more could a girl like me want?

I know that- up until now- lOVESHINE has been primarily a fashion blog and I have never before deviated from the cause of all that is true and right in the wide-world of internet fashion blogging. But I have decided to branch out every once in a while... include other things that may be helpful and wonderful. I have an unbelievable obsession with hummus. In my house, we keep a permanent supply in the fridge. "What do we need from the store?" "Well, let's stick with the essentials: tortilla chips, crackers, salsa, siracha (a glory deserving of a future post), eggs, and hummus." That's about all we eat. Well, that and cream o' mushroom soup. O how I adore thee, cream o' mushroom soup! I have a recipe for hummus and pita chips. I will make it some time and then dutifully share it with the world!
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