I know: adorable, right? I love her Nordic-prairie-orphan style... (all the pictures until the first etsy socks are straight from prettysmartgirlart.blogspot.com [the object of my current obsession and adoration])

The above outfit was inspired by a documentary on the Roma! You may have noticed it on my Roma (Gypsy) style post. I stuck it on that post.

This is gorgeous! The fabrics are so pretty.

Lots of fair isle here... and I am unbelievably obsessed with fair isle.

The socks in the above picture are available on etsy. Just click on the picture, it's linked to etsy.

Same deal with these socks. Etsy.

Once again, etsy socks.

Feather earrings from... you guessed it! Etsy!

i wonder where this scarf is from...

This is such a brilliant picture. I adore everything about it. Her hair color is so beautiful!


No way! Etsy again!!!!

Make it stop!!!!!!! It's all from Etsy!!!!!!

Holy crap!! This one isn't from etsy!

Neither is this!

Not etsy... another go to site for me: delias. Sadly I just learned that this is no longer available for purchase. Which is depressing because I really wanted it.

These boots are awesome and they had better be on my feet by February 27th! (That's my birthday) They look vintage... but sadly they are not. Alas my huge feet will rarely ever fit in vintage shoes! this is a cause of much depression for me.
I discovered that the blog
prettysmartgirlart.blogspot.com is the greatest thing since sliced bread and am now following it devoutly. The lovely lady who is the blog's author always wears frocks and wonderful boots and gunne sax dresses and I just adore her clothes! I find myself inspired (fashionably) by posts on other blogs often enough but never before have I been inspired by the
author herself! But after looking over her old posts I felt incredibly inspired! I was already obsessing over gunne sax dresses before I read this blog, but after I checked out her beautiful outfit pictures I exclaimed: "Aaahhhh! That truly is quite cute." Actually no I didn't; I just searched Etsy and begged my mommy to dig out her old gunne sax dress for me to try on. But alas! Her dress is in storage! Curse you.... gods of... storage...? Sadly, I couldn't find anyone to curse for that. Anyway... So, strangely enough, I am going to write a blog post inspired by a blog post. Well, inspired by a fashion blog
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