Well, at least girls who enjoy sailors. Or rather, the clothes that they wear. Or rather, the clothes that's inspired by the clothes that they wear. *Remove foot from mouth*

I don't know what it is about sailboats, but in my book they're cooler than that man-eating dragon that plays the lyre for tips on the corner of first and second(Oh, who am I kidding. NOTHING is cooler than Marty.)

I like this scarf a great deal and it is. A great deal, that is.

Yes, i realize that this dress could possibly be seen as horizontal stripe OVERLOAD!!! But no, I think not. Just pair it with the right crap, et voila! Perfect! I'm thinking a soft and cozy cream-colored cardigan and loads of bangles with some pretty-yet-not-over-the-top flat sandals. Yeah, that sounds real nice. Is it just me, or is it
really creepy when people say that? "That's nice, that's
reeeaal nice." *Shudder*

I want this shirt. I shall have it! In the catalogue from whence it came it is shown in a super-adorable outfit. They put it over a long boho-esque dress, which sounds weird but- trust me dear friends for I would not decieve you- it was really cute and
chill. See how I put the word 'chill' in italics? That means it's
really chill. Well... I should probably go read my Classical Mythology textbook. Love,
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