... Or it could have been my campaign slogan: "Hi I'm Bellamy- yes that's a french name and why, yes, my shirt is french- and I would like to be your dictator. You shall all address me as 'Your Majesty the Queen' and bow whenever I walk past." No, I'm not kidding. My name really is french! Oh yeah, and I really did say that and people really did go for that. You gotta love Idahoans and that great Idahoan sense of humor... Okay! So... Here is what I wore today. The boots are my dearest joy in life (they're Rocket Dogs), the shirt is from Delias but there is now a similar one on Alloy, the lovely green cardigan is from Target, and the skirt is from Lucky Monkey Trading Company (which is the greatest little eclectic Indian/Indonesian shop in downtown Coeur d'Alene). I love going in there- I feel so cool. Like those cool people who hang out in little coffee shops all the time and play guitar on the side of the street for pennies. I'd like to be like them. And live in a tree. Love,
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