This is cute though
Mommy told me today that I looked like a star! Personally, I hope she meant a star like Claire Danes in Stardust ( one of my all-time favorite movies) rather than a star like a celebrity. I did look pretty bad-ass though! I wore my new Prague boots and military-esque style jacket. The boots and jacket are from Delias clearance sale and I got the dress a few years back from Alloy clearance sale. The tights are Hue, the socks are from my muncas (maternal grandmother), and the assortment of jewelry is from off-beat wierd-as-all-Hell places that one might not expect to get jewelry from! There we go. Nice outfit. Earlier I was wearing some RayBan Wayfarer knockoffs that I got for $5 at the county fair a few years ago. This may explain why I felt so badass. Possibly. Gee, I really need to dye my hair to a more human color! I've been thinking teal might be nice... Abrams (I refer to him by his last name because I prefer it to his awful first name [smells like a personal problem]) from American Idol has been in the hospital with stomach ulcers. I've had stomach ulcers, they're painful as f*ck. I find myself screaming to the heavens: "why him???" Obviously, he's my favorite.
By the way; style watcher: Shenanigan (no, that's not her real name!) looked tres belle in her business attire today (speech day!) and the ever-charming Harry Potter club pres looked uniquely stunning as ever in her crazy platform boots and plaid shirt/long white skirt combo on (I think) Wednesday. Sadly, I didn't think to snap any pics.
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