Quote (used as title)- Michel de Montaigne
Wow, I haven't posted in a really LONG time! I've just been so busy with school- online classes are the worst. I have two hybrid classes and it seems like the workload in classes with online portions is way worse than normal classes.
So in this post I'm just gonna post some inspirational pictures:)
I'm super into surfing right now. And I think female surfers are badass.
I really love this buffalo ring!
I've been considering making a driftwood windchime-dreamcatcher hybrid.
This is Rick O'Connell's tattoo from The Mummy Returns. I just got it on my right inner forearm like 10 days ago! It's the movie that made me realize my love for archaeology (when I was 7).
I want to collect quirky plates like this.
I like Day of the Dead skulls, but only if they're pretty and not tacky and weird. This shirt is awesome.
I want this! Placerville is my hometown.
I like this yarn. It's reminiscent of driftwood and grey days at the beach. It would make a nice chunky hat, or a cozy scarf.
Another kickass animal ring! It's supposed to be a wolf, but it looks more like a fox to me.
I found this pic on GoogleImages like 2 years ago. It's Kiera Knightley bottle-feeding a baby elephant. And I think that's one of the coolest sentences I've ever written.
Well, that's what I've got today. I really should clean my room, but I feel almost terrified. Then again, I'm already rather terrified to be in there- it's disastrous.

Well, that's what I've got today. I really should clean my room, but I feel almost terrified. Then again, I'm already rather terrified to be in there- it's disastrous.
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