This morning I have been listening to some wonderful music! Elephant Revival: Sing to the Mountain and Ring Around the Moon, Adele: Rolling in the Deep (so freaking cool! and has anyone else ever wondered about the random samurai playing in the dust in the video? Just wondering...), Fever Ray: The Wolf (Makes me want to dance around a campfire like a wild person, wearing and wolf mask and...very little clothing), and Mumford and Sons: pretty much everything of theirs that I possibly can! I am so IN ABSOLUTE LOVE with Mumford and Sons! Anyone who can make stand-up base and banjo sexy is alright in my book:) Of course I always think stand-up base is sexy, so, there you go. Oh, and I just found Laura Marling: Rambling Man and I think it's bloody terrific! I just randomly chanced upon it, and I'm so glad I did. I would post some outfit pics for today but... I don't have any!!!! Yeah! That's right! I'm lounging around the house in pajamas, listening to folk music and dark-wild-crazy music, taking gratuitous cat pictures;), playing guitar, drinking tea, and eating mass amounts of sauteed mushrooms 'cause geez, I love mushrooms. Now, enjoy these pictures of my cats and this video of my mom and me being doofuses. That's right, doofuses. I'm bringing that word back. Now I'm off to make lunch. 1/2 cup of quinoa, about 4 sauteed mushrooms, a bit of cooked spinach, some melted cheese, and saracha (hot sauce, I wish I knew how to spell it)... yummy!
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