To be completely honest, only one is from Finland (the picture of the crazy chick sitting on a statue- which I think is the coolest picture ever!) and only one is from Hungary (the one with the sweet heart purse). There are a whole bunch of pics from Russia and Romania (alot of the Romanian ones are from Bucharest). I don't think girls from these places get near enough credit fashion-wise; all the focus in Europe is on Paris and London, and in the U.S. it's all on New York and L.A. These outfits are great (and all the girls are so pretty, don't you think?), I love that there's such diverse style in Europe because in my town everyone wears the same thing! Okay, so! I'm trying something a little different this time (always trying to make improvements!) and instead of the customary 'PROPS TO' section I usually put on the bottom of the page I've put links directly to the pics! So... if you want to see the source for a pic, just click on it. Except the Hungary street style pic and the gorgeous blue Russian dress, because I found those pictures a while ago and forgot to write down the source. Oops! Okay. I will talk to y'all tomorrow (and maybe I'll post some outfit pics tomorrow, too! I'm still experimenting with the whole 'taking pictures and posting them online thing'! I'm going to have to try to remember to take the pictures during the day because they turn out better that way:) I'm not sure why I'm telling you all this, I guess I just blog like I talk... rambling!!! Sweet dreams everyone! Love,

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