This dress' pattern is inspired by traditional Gypsy clothes.

This outfit is supposed to fit in with the "rules and regulations" for Gypsy clothing but it's a modern, fashionable take.

This picture is from the blog: The scarf is Russian and her outfit was inspired by a documentary of the Rom. I love this outfit!

Gypsy Woman from

Gorgeous wrap skirt! Gypsy Inspired Skirt from

Gypsy Boho Love from

Definitely not even a remotely traditional Gypsy outfit, but the bangles, earrings, and earth tones are Gypsy-inspired. It's called: Esmerelda Tan Outfit

Isn't this shirt great? I think it's wonderful and I want it! Elle Gypsy Girl, I found it on

I'm not really sure if this could even be considered Gypsy-ish but it's really pretty and it's a brilliant, bright color.

Wonderful outfit! I love, love, love, love, love it!!!

Since I was little I've been completely fascinated by the culture, mystery, and fantasy of the Rom (Gypsies), and I've grown more and more captivated as I've grown older. I'm writing an essay on The History and Origins of Gypsies and I couldn't be more obsessed! Most Americans have a very limited understanding of the Rom because there aren't many here (compared to Europe and other places that I've never been!). But Most Americans are not Anthropology majors! I am, so when I'm interested in a culture I immerse myself in it as much as I possibly can. I've been reading a book that explores the mysterious origin of these nomadic people and I could hardly believe what I was reading! It was so remarkably written and extensively researched that I got lost in it and haven't been able to escape since. Anyway, I'm so captivated by this culture that it's affecting nearly every part of my life! I'm painting and drawing Gypsies, writing a research paper on them, reading up on current political issues involving them, and now I'm writing a post on my blog about their clothing. Let's get to that, shall we? Their style is wonderfully unique and conjures up feelings of magic and the weight of generations of constant movement and restlessness. Or at least to me, but I'm a freak so, hey, what can I say? So! I don't want to misrepresent an entire people or make any ill-fated assumptions or stereotype anyone (because I abhor stereotypes) but this is my modern interpretation of the traditional style of dress worn by many Gypsies around the world for centuries. From what I've read, Roma wear scarves, bright-BRIGHT- colors, tons of jewelry, ribbons, bells, billowy tops, long skirts, and shoes fit for travel! I know this is probably well known by most people. A modern interpretation means that you take certain aspects of the style- tweak it, mix it with other styles- and make it your own. I wear alot of long skirts and tons of jewelry- but with a tank top or t-shirt so I don't look like I'm wearing a costume. Peasant blouses have come to be associated with Gypsy style, too. I read that they wore basically peasant clothes but with their own individual flair (i.e. jewelry and bright colors), at least that's in certain parts of the world. I think Kalderash Romani wear a different style of clothes than English or Romanian Gypsies. I never know when to use the different terms: Rom, Roma, Romani, Romany. I've seen all of them and I find it quite confusing and would like to know when to use each for accuracy's sake. By the way, just a little known fact, when I was little I had sandals with little pictures of Esmerelda from the Hunchback of Notre Dame on the sides. I loved them dearly! Anyhoo, I guess I'll just have to show you some pictures. Once again, I've linked the site directly to the picture, so just point and click. Have fun! I hope I didn't accidentally offend anyone! Good night! Kushti Ratti! Love,
By the way, good colors to wear are natural earth-tone and berry shades as well as any shade of red but fire-engine red (it's considered unlucky because it's associated with blood).
Jekh dilo kerel but dile hai but dile keren dilimata (I love this saying, it means: One madman makes many madmen, and many madmen makes madness [according to